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Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver
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Price: £18.98
Availability: In Stock


This product is the best quality true amber colloidal silver. It is produced using only steam distilled water and elemental silver and contains a wide range of silver particle sizes which gives it its reassuring distinctive amber colour.

Colloidal silver MUST contain silver particles. However, most colloidal silver solutions found on the market are predominantly clear (ionic) silver water, with little or no actual silver particles.

This product contains our 14,000 ug/l True Amber Colloidal Silver that has been tested by Eurofin Laboratories & assessed by Plymouth University for nanomaterial characterisation & batch consistency, as required by EC1223/2009.

Pure Bio's Colloidal Silver has been screened by a WADA approved laboratory to ensure it is free from prohibited substances.

For full analysis details please click here

Upper safe daily limits of colloidal silver depends upon a number of factors, including body weight, overall health, and even antioxidant levels.
The Silver Safety Council gives the following advice:
1) Multiply your body weight in lbs by 12
2) Divide that total by the ppm of the colloidal silver solution you are using (14 for Pure Bio Colloidal silver)
3) This will tell you how many DROPS of colloidal silver you can take each day, safely, for a lifetime, without fear of ending up with argyria (i.e., skin-staining).

For example, at a weight of 140lb (10stone):
140 x 12 / 14 (ppm) = 120 drops (which is about 1 UK teasp) per day

Directions for use
Store in a cool and dark place out of reach and sight of children
Once opened, consume within six months
Special Note
If you are pregnant or lactating, have any health condition or are immuno-compromised, or are taking any medication, consult your practitioner before use
Contents -
Silver (nano)
Aqua (pH 8.46)
(80% ionic, 20% particulate)
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